Having developed and built businesses from the age of 21, I fully understand and have experienced the trials and tribulations of being an entrepreneur.
In 2013 I lost everything; my business, relationship, home and was nearly £200k in debt. It took tenacity, commitment and a winning mindset to overcome what seemed at the time an impossible situation.
The biggest barrier to success is our subconscious beliefs and attitudes developed from our environment, typically during childhood.
We heard such comments as “money does not grow on trees,” “go and get a proper job”, “you are useless”, “you don’t have what it takes to make a lot of money”.
Overtime this conditioning erodes our internal self -confidence and belief in our abilities and possibilities. What we feel on the internal manifests in our lives as stress, depression, lack of motivation, procrastination and self-sabotage resulting in our inability to do the things we need to do to get to where we want to be. Fear can literally stop you in your tracks as you worry about failing or not being liked due to your success.
Subconscious Surgery can help you change your destiny by removing the script and the limiting beliefs playing in your subconscious mind and replace with beliefs and habits that help you excel. Thus enabling you to believe in unlimited possibilities for your self and take big action towards achieving your dreams.